Passages on the Priests from the
Book of Heaven: Volumes 11-20
Volume 11
March 8, 1912
This morning Father G. Offered himself as Victim to Our Lord, and I was Praying, Offering the Priest, that Jesus would accept the Priest as Victim. Then, my Always Lovable Jesus Told me: “My daughter, I accept the Priest Whole-Heartedly. Tell the Priest that his life shall No Longer be his, but Mine, and that I Chose the Priest as Victim of My Hidden Life. My Hidden Life was Victim for the whole interior life of man; so it Satisfied for the bad thoughts, desires, tendencies and affections.
So, I Choose the Priest as Victim for this Point of My Hidden Life, and I Want All of the Priest’s interior United With Me, and Offered to Me, to Satisfy Me for the evil interior of other creatures. I Choose the Priest for this On Purpose, because, being a Priest, the Priest Knows Better than others the interior of souls, the rot and the slime which is in them. From this, the Priest can better Know How Much My State of Victim Cost Me, a State in which I Want the Priest to Take Part - and Not Only the Priest, but also others whom the Priest shall approach.”
Volume 11 - September 25, 1913
“My Most Holy Divine Will shall Always have Primacy Over Everything. Besides, if Everything Is In the Eucharist, the Priests who Call Me from Heaven into the Priest’s hands, and who are in Contact with My Sacramental Flesh More than anyone, Should Be the Holiest and the Most Good; but instead, Many of the Priests are the worst. Poor Me, how the Priests treat Me in the Most Holy Sacrament!”
Volume 12 - January 8, 1919
“Ah! My daughter, there shall be fights among them. death shall claim many lives, including Priests. Oh, how Many Masks dressed as Priests! I want to Remove those Priests before the Rising of the Persecution Against My Holy Church, and of Revolutions.”
All afflicted, I said: ‘Ah, my Jesus, what Pain it is to Hear You Speak about these Blessed Chastisements! And the peoples? How shall they do without Priests? They are already few Priests enough - and You want to take away more of the Priests? Who shall Administer the Sacraments? Who shall Teach Your Laws?’ And Jesus: "My daughter, Do Not Afflict yourself too much. The Scarce Number is Nothing. I shall Give to one Priest the Grace and the Strength that I Give to ten Priests, to twenty Priests; and one Priest shall be Worth ten Priests, or twenty of the Priests. I can Compensate for Everything. And then, the Many Priests who are Not Good, are the Poison of the peoples; instead of Good, the Priests do evil, so I shall Do Nothing Other than Remove the Prime Elements who Poison the peoples."
Volume 13 - December 3, 1921
“We, Triune God, All Three Divine Persons, Descended from Heaven, Took Possession of your heart, Luisa, and Formed Our Perpetual Dwelling. We took the Reins of your intelligence, the Reins of your heart, and the Reins of all of you; and the Reins of everything you Did was an Outpouring of Our Creative Will over you, and the Confirmation that your human will was Animated by an Eternal Divine Will.
“The Work is Already Done; there is Nothing left but to Make It Known, so that, Not Only you, Luisa, but also Others May Take Part In these Great Goods. And this I AM Doing, Calling, now one Priest of Mine, Now another Priest, and even Priests from places afar, to Make Known to the Priests These Great Truths!”
Volume 15
July 11, 1923
“…This is not about just anything – this is about Divine Decrees, and about Giving Us, The Triune God, the Field to Let Us Accomplish the Work of Creation and Redemption. Therefore, just as We, The Triune God, Entrusted Our Mama Mary to St. John, that She Might Deposit In him, and from him into the Holy Church, the Treasures, the Graces and All of My Teachings that I had Deposited in the Blessed Mother during the Course of My Life, when She was Entrusted to Me and I Acted as Priest to Her – as I Deposited in Her, as in a Sanctuary, All the Laws, the Precepts and the Doctrines that the Holy Church was to Possess; and She, Faithful as She was, and Jealous of even one Word of Mine, Deposited Them in My Faithful disciple John, so that They might Not Be Lost; and therefore My Mama Mary has Primacy over the Whole Church – so I, Jesus, have Done With you, Luisa: Since the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ Must Serve the Whole Church, I Entrusted you, Luisa, to a Priest of Mine, that you, Luisa, may Deposit in the Priest Everything I Manifest to you, Luisa, About My Most Holy Divine Will – the Goods Contained in the Divine Will, How the creature Must Enter Into the Divine Will, and How the Paternal Goodness of the Father Wants to Open Another Era of Grace, Placing His Goods, that He Possesses in Heaven, in Common With the creature, and Giving Back Again to her the Lost Happiness of Paradise. Therefore, Be Attentive, and Be Faithful to Me.”
Volume 16 - February 10, 1924
“ …One Saying, One Effect, One Simile about My Most Holy Divine Will can be Like Beneficial Dew upon souls, just as dew is beneficial on the plants after a day of burning sun, or like a pouring rain after long months of drought. You Can Not Understand All the Good, the Light, the Strength contained in Each Word; but your Jesus Knows it, and Knows the ones whom it Must Serve and the Good it Must Do.” Now, as Jesus was Saying this, He Showed me a Table in the Middle of the Church, and All The Writings about The Divine Will placed upon it. Many Venerable Priests surrounded that Table and became Transformed Into Light and Divinized; and as they walked, they Communicated that Light to whomever they encountered. Then Jesus Added: Luisa, “You shall See this Great Good from Heaven, when The Church shall Receive this Celestial Food, that shall Strengthen Her and Make Her Rise Again in Her Full Triumph.”
Volume 16 - February 24, 1924
“I AM Not like the kings of the earth, who deal with the great. I Love More dealing with the little ones, because they are More Docile and they attribute nothing to themselves, but Everything to My Goodness. But in spite of this, I too have Chosen a Priest of Mine to Assist you in this State of yours; and as much as you Prayed Me to Free you from the Priest’s daily coming, I Did Not Listen to you; and Even if you were No Longer Subject to falling back into that State, I shall Not Permit that you lack the Priest’s Assistance. This was the Reason for you, Luisa, to have one of My Priests: that the Priest might be Aware of the Law of My Will, and Knowing My Teachings, the Priest would be Witness and Depository of a Law So Holy; and as My Faithful Priest, the Priest would Publish in My Church the Great Good that I Want To Do to Her by Making My Divine Will Known.”
Volume 18 - November 5, 1925
“The Ordination Constitutes man to A Supreme Height, to A Divine Character – the Repeater of My Life, the Administer of the Sacraments, the Revealer of My Secrets, of My Gospel, of the Most Sacred Science; the Peacemaker between Heaven and earth, the Bearer of Jesus to souls. …The Ordination is the Sacrament that encloses All other Sacraments Together. Therefore, if the Ordained Priest is able to Preserve whole within himself the Character the Priest has Received, the Priest shall almost Place All other Sacraments in Safety, The Priest shall be the Defender and the Savior of Jesus Himself.”
Volume 19 - June 15, 1926
“And since My Will Wants to Establish Its Kingdom in the midst of peoples, through you, Luisa, I Want to Deposit this Celestial Doctrine in My Priests as My New Apostles, so that First I may Form with the Priests the Link of Connection with My Will, and then the Priests may Transmit It into the midst of peoples. If it were Not So, or were Not To Be So, I would Not have Insisted So Much on having you write/read, nor would I have Permitted the daily coming of the Priest, but I would have Left All My Work between Me and you, Luisa. Therefore, Be Attentive and Leave Me Free To Do What I Want In you.”
Volume 19
August 18, 1926
While I was Praying, I found myself outside of myself, and at the same time I saw the Reverend Father who Must Occupy himself With the Printing of the Writings on the Most Holy Will of God. Our Lord Jesus was near him, Taking All the Knowledges, the Effects and the Values He has Manifested about the Supreme Will, that had Changed into Threads of Light, and Impressing them in the Priest’s Intelligence, in Such a Way as to Form a Crown of Light around his head. And while Doing this, He Said to the Priest: “My son, the Task I have Given you is Great, and therefore it is Necessary that I Give you Much Light in order to Make you Comprehend with Clarity what I have Revealed. In fact, they shall Produce their Effects According to the Clarity with which they shall be Exposed, even though the Teachings are Most Clear in themselves. Indeed, that which Regards My Divine Will is Light that Descends From Heaven, that Does Not Confuse and Dazzle the sight of the intelligence, but has the Virtue of Strengthening and Enlightening the human intellect so as to be Comprehended and Loved, and of Casting into the Depth of the soul the Source of her Origin, the True Purpose for which man was Created, the Order between Creator and creature. And Each One of My Sayings, Manifestations, Knowledges About My Supreme Will are as Many Strokes of the Brush to Make the soul Return to the Likeness of her Creator. Everything I have Said About My Divine Will is nothing other than Preparing the Way, Forming the Army, Gathering the Chosen People, Preparing the Royal Palace, Disposing the Ground on which the Kingdom of My Most Holy Divine Will Must be Formed, and to Rule and Dominate. Therefore, the Task I AM Entrusting to you, My Priest is Great. I shall Guide you, I shall be Near you, so that Everything May be Done According to My Holy Will!”
Volume 19 August 27, 1926
And Jesus, placing Himself near the Priest, (Fr. Annibale Maria di Francia), said to him: “My son, the Title you shall Give to the Book you shall Print about My Most Holy Divine Will is this: ‘The Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was Created by God’....
‘...Therefore Come to your Place – it is There that I Call you and Await you’. Therefore, the one who shall Offer to Make My Will Known, shall be My Spokesman, and I shall Entrust to the Priests the Secrets of Its Kingdom.”
Volume 20
November 6, 1926
“It shall happen to you, Luisa, as it happened to Me With the Kingdom of Redemption. I Did Everything that was Needed; I Formed the Foundation, I Gave the Laws and the Counsels that were Needed; I Instituted the Sacraments, I left the Gospel as the Norm of their life, I Suffered Unheard-of Pains unto Death; but while being on earth, I saw little or almost nothing of the Fruits and of the Carrying Out of Redemption. After I had Done Everything, and had Nothing left To Do, I Entrusted Everything to the Apostles, that the Apostles might be the Criers of the Kingdom of Redemption, so that the Fruits of the Works I Did for the Kingdom of Redemption might come out.
The same shall happen for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. We shall Do It Together, My daughter. Your Pains, your long Sacrifices, your Incessant Prayers that My Kingdom May Come Soon, and My Manifestations about The Most Holy Divine Will – I shall Unite Everything Together With Me and shall Form the Foundations. And once I have Completed Everything, (in you Luisa) I shall Entrust My Kingdom to My Priests, so that, like Second Apostles of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, the Priests may be the Criers of the Most Holy Divine Will. Do you think that the coming of Father Di Francia, who shows So Much Interest and who has Taken to heart the Publication of What Regards My Divine Will, came by chance? No, no – I Myself Disposed it. It is a Providential Act of the Supreme Will that Wants the Priest as First Apostle of the Divine Fiat and Proclaimer of the Supreme Will. And since Father happens to be the Founder of an Order, it is Easier for Father to approach Bishops, Priests and people, also within Father’s own Institute, in order to Proclaim the Kingdom of My Divine Will. This is why I Assist the Priest So Much and I Give the Priest Special Light, because in order to Understand My Will it takes Great Graces – Not little lights, but Sun, to Comprehend a Divine, Holy and Eternal Will, as well as Great Disposition on the part of the Priest to whom this Office is Entrusted. And then, the Daily Coming of the Priest, I Myself also Disposed, that I might Find Quickly the First Apostles of the Fiat of My Kingdom, so that the Priests might Proclaim what Regards My Eternal Will. Therefore, let Me Finish First, so that, after I have Completed it, I may Entrust it to the New Apostles of My Most Holy Divine Will; and then you, Luisa, shall be able to Come to Heaven, to See from Up There the Fruits of the Longed-for Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat.”