Mystical Mothers for Priests
in the Divine Will

Register your Consecration

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your consecration as a
Mystical Mother for Priests
in the Divine Will.

What is a Mystical Mother
for Priests?

The Priest in the Divine Will needs a special grace and special gifts to be a Priest in the Divine Will. We want to help those Priests with our prayers, sufferings, and acts fused in the Divine Will, as a mother of a Priest would pray for Priest son.

Spiritual Commitments

  1. I will adopt, spiritually, a priest in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, to be chosen for me by Our Lady, Queen and Mother of the Divine Will.

  2. I will live the Gospel in the light of the Divine Will.

  3. I am willing to know better and go deeper into the Truths of the Divine Will that these Priest sons are spreading throughout the world.  I recognize that the help I will give them will be consistent with my spiritual life.

  4. The FIAT of Our Lady will be my echo of the Divine FIAT of God in Creation, Redemption, Sanctification, and in all the acts of the Divine Will, to fulfill the request made in the prayer Jesus taught us, “Thy will be done, Father, on earth as in Heaven.”  I make this the motto of my soul.

  5. I will collect my actions, prayers, sufferings of spirit and body, joys, etc., into a bundle of glory to offer them to the Father, for the benefit of my Priest son in the Divine Will.

  6. I will make a crown of short, spontaneous prayers together with the recommended Litanies, for the unity of all Priests throughout the world, so that in communion of mind, will, heart, soul, and spirit, with their apostolic work, they may carry out their mission with Divine concordance and with the unity of the communion of the Most Holy Trinity.

  7. I will pray for priests.

Our Lady of Hope

Apostolic Commitment

Commit to spreading the spirit of the Mission to which you belong, first by the testimony of life and, when God allows it, also by the word.

My daughter, this was the purpose for which I permitted the necessity of the coming of the Priest—that you might deposit in them, as a sacred deposit, all the Truths that I have spoken to you about My Divine Fiat, and that they be attentive and the faithful executors of what I want—that is, that they make the Kingdom of My Divine Will known.’’

Volume 35 - January 13, 1929

Make the Consecration

Register your consecration

You will receive via email a certificate of your consecration and a instructions for purchasing the Mystical Mothers booklets published by the Association Luisa Piccarreta.

You will receive email reminders to pray in the Divine Will for your adopted Priest, as well as emails from Houses of the Resurrection of the Faith.

Your information will be sent to the official Association in Corato, and it will not be shared with anyone else.

This mission is under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Mark Byrne, SOLT who, in Divine Will, seeks to oversee the adoption of priests to fulfill the words of Jesus that 'anyone who does the Will of my Father in Heaven is ..... My mother'.